Snapscreen offers the entry point for configuring the SDK
Notification that is sent out when the authentication changes - afterwards it is advised to fetch the updated value of authorizationHeader in case it is used
The configured Snapscreen instance
The country code the user is in. Affects the results that are found when snapping. Defaults to AT.
The US state the user is in. Possibly affects the odds results provided. Defaults to nil.
Color configuration - preconfigured with default Snapscreen values - modify as desired. See documentation for reference in UI designs
Font configuration - preconfigured with default Snapscreen values - modify as desired. See documentation for reference in UI designs
UI Configuration - preconfigured with default Snapscreen values - modify as desired
Game Odds Display UI configuration - preconfigured with default Snapscreen valeus - modify as desired
Delegate providing information about the live event status
Initialize Snapscreen with your clientID and clientSecret and one of the predefined environments
- clientID The client ID of your application - provided by Snapscreen
- clientSecret The client secret of your application - provided by Snapscreen
- environment The default configured environment
Initialize Snapscreen with your clientID and clientSecret and a custom backend URL
- clientID The client ID of your application - provided by Snapscreen
- clientSecret The client secret of your application - provided by Snapscreen
- backendURL The custom backend URL you want the SDK to use
Fetches the odds for a sport event with the provided id. If no results are found (either because sport event does not exist or no odds are found, the completion closure is called with a nil result
The current authorization header used by Snapscreen. Set as header ‘Authorization’ in case you access any secured Snapscreen backend endpoints
The current timestamp as synced by Snapscreen - useful for synchronizing exact timestamps determined during snapping